» Bridge Exercise

Bridge Exercise

Bridge Exercise

Important Note: This material is provided by Therafit Physical Therapy for information purposes only. Do not begin exercising before obtaining a consultation and examination with Therafit Physical Therapy or your physician

Bridge Exercise Description:

This exercise is designed to create a functional core by engaging the adominal, buttock and pelvic muscles.

Step 1: Lie on your back with your hips and knees bent and your feet flat on the bed or exercise mat

Step 2: Attempt to draw your belly button in and up towards your head without holding your breath as if you were trying to suck your stomach in.

step 3: Lift your buttocks up as far as you can while maintaining the previous position with your abdominals. 

step 4: Attempt to hold this position for 1-2 seconds and slowly lower your butt back down.

step 5: Keep the postion of step 2 and repeat as many repititions as prescribed by your therapist.

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